Gagan Gopal – Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Gagan Gopal never says no to chocolate croissants especially once they are heated in the microwave for 5 seconds. He loves to eat, tell jokes and tell jokes while eating. Catch him live on the stage of the Comedy Club Munich on 7 September 2019. Tickets:
Yekaterina von Schlittenberg – Comedy Club Munich am 7. September 2019

Yekaterina von Schlittenberg – Comedy Club Munich am 7. September 2019 Yekaterina ist halb Deutsch halb Russin und kommt ursprünglich aus den kasachischen Steppen. von Schlittenberg ist ihr szenischer Name, weil ihr echter Name ein Zungenbrecher ist (Salazgorskaya). Im Berufsleben bietet sie deshalb direkt das „Duzen“ an aber nur den netten Menschen, nicht nette lässt…
Pauly Oh – Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Pauly Oh tritt am 7. September bei uns in der Stand-up Comedy Show auf. Wir freuen uns schon auf ihn und sind schon sehr gespannt auf sein neues Programm. Tickets: #Comedy #Munich
Anu Shey – Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Anu Shey will be on our stand-up comedy show on September 7th. We are already looking forward to him and are very excited about his new program. Tickets: #Comedy #Munich
Sean O Riordan – Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Sean o Riordan is a high-energy Irish-American comedian from New Jersey. He has been a Mexican high school principal, a Czech primary school teacher, a rapper and a wedding officiant in Romania. Currently based in Prague, Sean has some damn good stories and knows geography really well (for an American). #Comedy #Munich
Dan Farley at Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Dan Farley was born in southern California but grew up in New York. No not the city, over by Niagara Falls. He’s been doing comedy since 2001 but took a brief break between 2002 and 2018. He moved to Munich in 2016 and is still trying to remember to ask for the „toilet“ instead of…
Special Guest – Luke Ryan from Prague

Luke Ryan is our special guest in our next Stand-up Comedy Show on Saturday 7. September at Theater Drehleier Luke Ryan is an Irish comedian based in Prague. He has performed all over Ireland, Central Europe, Argentina and Colombia, wowing audiences with his inability to understand and accept what really goes on in life. Luke…
Scuba Drivers Improv at Comedy Club Munich – 7. September 2019

Scuba Drivers – Improv can be seen again on stage at Comedy Club Munich. On the 7th of September they will perform spontaneously and without preparation. Improv is their passion and this is what happens directly on stage. They have always entertained us well so far. We are looking forward to seeing them again.
Sajad Na – Comedy Club Munich at Drehleier 26. July 2019

Sajad was born in Tehran /Iran some 31 years ago as the second of eventually four children. He left Iran for the purpose of higher education in the field of physics, first to England and later Germany. He performed as a comedian for the very first time in September of 2018 and has appeared at…
Nick Schmid beim Comedy Club Munich am 26. Juli 2019

NICK SCHMID – kann einfach nicht stillhalten. Seine lustige Bühnenshow erinnert an den jungen Michael Mittermeier, mit dem er schon gemeinsam spielen durfte, gewürzt mit einer Prise Jim Carrey. Außerdem bekannt aus Nightwash, Quatsch Comedy Club und Moderator und Host von seiner eigenen wöchentlichen Comedy Open Mic in München. Am 26. Juli wird er ein völlig neues Programm beim…