Mel Kelly in our Comedy Show
Mel Kelly has surpassed himself in his performance. He also presented his comedy book and has signed many copies for his fans. John Zimmer says about his book: „In “Born in Ireland, Made in Germany”, Mel Kelly recounts the struggles and adventures he encountered when he moved from Dublin to Munich. The social, cultural and…
Metromadrid in unserer Comedy Show
Bei unserer Stand-up Comedy Show am 27. April 2017 hatten wir einen sehr besonderen Comedian in unserer Show. Aber schauen Sie selbst was Metromadrid so auf die Bühne bringt. Das Publikum war ziemlich beeindruckt und hat sich köstlich amüsiert.
Comedy Club Munich Show 30.3.2017
It was a great show with comedians who first performed with us. Mel Kelly presented his new book after the show. The handsigned copies of his book „Born in Ireland – Made in Germany“ were very popular. This moment was captured in a photograph. Mel Kelly has published many funny stories from his life as…
Stand-up Comedy Show 23. February 2017
We have invited well-known and new comedians who present their brand new programs. We want to entertain you and make you laugh! Comedy Club Munich welcomes you to the new show. We looking forward to seeing you in our show. Sorry: This new Stand-up Comedy Show is completely sold out! Please sign up to get…