Our Shows 2014
Show on 4th of April 2014

Mel Kelly on stage
His jokes are just laugh. That's no wonder, because he has brought his humor from Ireland and presents this in the Comedy Club. Have a look: Mel Kelly on stage!
Andreas Beckenbach
Andreas bringt alle zum Lachen und bietet mit seinem Programm pure Unterhaltung. Sehen Sie selbst in dem Video: Hier anklicken!

Kumar Barua on stage at Cord Club
What makes an Indian comedian? He tells the stories of India and the special relationship between cultures. Discover the video!
Before the show!!!

Our very friendly entrance manager is working very quickly to get all our guests into the show!

Our guests waiting in a long queue to get entrance!

He is our light technical support and DJ!!!
Our show on 4th September 2014
Olivier Sanrey auf der Bühne beim Comedy Club Munich
Als Belgier in München hat Olivier Sanrey so einiges erlebt. Olivier berichtet über seinen Kulturschock in München bei seiner 1. Party. Zum Mitlachen geht es hier lang!

Oleg bringt alle zum Lachen!
Oleg berichtet von seinen 3 Anteilen in seinem Auftritt beim Comedy Club Munich.
Hier geht zum Anschauen und Lachen.
Mel Kelly on stage
Everyone laughed, because he was so funny. One laugh after another. A great performance. Have a look and watch the video!