Our Show June 2016

Lois Bromfield the first time on stage on Comedy Club Munich

Lois Bromfield began her career as a comedian at The Comedy Store in LA. She performed in many clubs throughout the U.S as well as countless television appearances. She turned her attention to sit-com writing. In June Lois Bromfield will give her first presentation in Munich at stage of Comedy Club Munich. You can watch Lois Bromfield's  great performance  in this video.

Samuel Ozioma on stage on Comedy Club Munich

He has been very creativ again and has brought new experience on stage. The audience rewarded his presentation with great applause.
Watch his Video from the Comedy Show!

Stefan Passvogel zum ersten Mal auf der Bühne beim Comedy Club Munich

Stefan Passvogel bringt die Frage auf die Bühne, ob vegan und Männlichkeit zusammen passt. Es ist köstlich mit anzusehen. Sein Video gibt Aufschluß über seine Ansichten dazu.

Alexander Lacey on stage on Comedy Club Munich

Alexander comes directly from America to us on the stage. He has already gained stage experience in America. Now he is professional in Munich. He brings his experience with Munich and Germany on the stage and thus entertains his audience. Big applause for the excellent entertainment.
Watch his Video from the Comedy Show!

The Comedy Club Munich Team:


Mel Kelly delivers Irish humour in both German and English. He understands German humour sometimes, and the Germans understand him even less. Sometimes he even wears Lederhosen on stage!
He is a co-founder of the Comedy Club Munich and has now done Stand-up comedy in Sweden, Czech Republic and Germany. He has also won many European Humourous Speech Contests in English and in German.

Mel Kelly, ein Münchner aus Irland


Sein Publikum liebt seine humorvollen schrägen Geschichten mit Tiefgang und vielen Pointen. „Die wunderbare Welt der Psychopathen" oder „ Im Flugzeug“ sind nur 2 seiner bekannten Auftritte im Comedy Club Munich.
Dort zündet er in seinen Moderationen ein Feuerwerk an Witzen und bringt gern so manchen Zuschauer in den ersten Reihen auch mal ins Schwitzen….

Andreas Beckenbach, ein Sachse in München