Our Show February 2015
Great Show on 26th February 2015 in Munich
We hat a great Show with many guest and entertaining Comedians:
Mel Kelly on stage!
His Irish humor makes everyone laugh and again, again and again.
A great performance. Have a look: Mel Kelly on stage
Kumar Barua on stage!
By Kumar all men can learn how best deceived the women.
His humor is just very convincing.
Discover the video!
Verana Lauer zu Gast auf der Bühne beim Comedy Club Munich
Sie redet in ihrem Programm über die Beziehung zwischen Mann und Frau. Sie beleuchtet alle Aspekte des täglichen Lebens zwischen Mann und Frau.
Suhail Dhawan our special guest at the Comedy Club Munich
With his stories from his native India he entertains the audience and laugh and laugh...
His best joke you ca see in this video!!
Andreas Beckenbach beim Comedy Club Munich auf der Bühne
Andreas Beckenbach voll in Aktion und in direktem Kontakt mit dem Publikum.
Comedy Club Munich hat Günther Golem zu Gast
Comedy Club Munich brings new talent to the stage.
Her first gig at the Comedy Club. She's from Belgium, lives in Munich and brings amazing stories to the stage.
Check out: Ineke at Cord Club.